The center of the sphere.
The radius of the sphere.
Returns a new sphere with the same center and radius as this one.
Returns true if this sphere contains the provided point inclusive of the surface of the sphere.
The point to be checked.
Returns the closest distance from the surface of the sphere to the point. If the sphere contains the point, the returned distance is negative.
The point to calculate the distance to.
Returns true if this sphere is empty, i.e. the radius is zero or negative)
Returns a minimum bounding box for the sphere.
The result will be copied into this Box3.
Determines whether or not this sphere intersects box.
The box to check for intersection against.
Determines whether or not this sphere intersects plane.
The plane to check for intersection against.
Determines whether or not this sphere intersects sphere.
The sphere to check for intersection against.
Computes the minimum bounding sphere for the provided array of points and store the result in this sphere. If _optionalCenter_is provided, it is used as the sphere's center. Otherwise, the center of the axis-aligned bounding box encompassing points is calculated and used instead.
An array of points.
The point to use as the sphere's centre.
Creates a new Sphere.