dot big bang

Developer API

Namespace GameObjects

  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type aliases


AddEntityFromTemplateOptions: AddEntityOptions & { position?: Vector3; rotation?: Euler; scale?: Vector3 }

The options object passed as an argument to game.addEntityFromTemplate(). These options determine whether the entities to add should be replicated/networked and how. They also let you place the resulting entity in space.


AddEntityOptions: { lifetime?: NetworkedEntityLifetime; networking?: EntityNetworking; transformReplication?: NetworkedEntityTransformReplication }

The options object passed as an argument to game.addEntity(). These options determine whether the entities to add should be replicated/networked and how.

Type declaration

  • Optional lifetime?: NetworkedEntityLifetime

    When the entities to add are networked, determines whether they should be removed when the owner peer disconnects, or whether the ownership should transfered to the server and therefore stay in the game for the duration of the multiplayer session. Defaults to NetworkedEntityLifetime.OWNER_PEER

  • Optional networking?: EntityNetworking

    Indicate whether the entity/entities to add should be networked, local, or whether this should be determined by the settings stored on the root entity. Defaults to EntityNetworking.RESPECT_ENTITY_SETTINGS

  • Optional transformReplication?: NetworkedEntityTransformReplication

    When the entities to add are networked, determines whether their transform should all be replicated, all non-replicated, or whether this should be determined based on the settings on each entity. Defaults to NetworkedEntityTransformReplication.RESPECT_ENTITY_SETTINGS